You Know You’re a Mom When…

how you know you're a momHave you ever looked around – at yourself and your home – and thought, “Wow, I’m a mom now?” Here’s how you’ll know.

1. You refer to “happy hour” as the span between when the kids go to bed and when you go to bed

It’s not like you get a lot of you time anymore, so don’t feel bad at celebrating bed time. Sometimes a mom just needs an hour to read a magazine or watch Netflix.

2. You’ve written a check in crayon

Sometimes that’s all you can find. Plus, they accept that!

3. You haven’t carried a purse in months.

You’re lugging around a diaper bag anyway, so what’s the point of another bag?

4. You brag that you slept all night…

…when you get four consecutive hours of sleep. You’d be surprised how little sleep we need to operate for the day. Not that we’re operating well…

5. You’re really concerned about poop

You analyze it carefully. Is this sick? What did he eat? Would you say this is the appropriate amount? You have long discussions of it with your spouse. It can change your whole day.

6. A glass of wine counts as a night of drinking

In those rare moments when you have some freedom, you’re still hesitant to indulge.

7. You run towards the vomit

Hey, it’s gross, but it’s easier to catch it with something (like you’re shirt) than let it make a huge mess all over the carpet. Have you ever cleaned vomit out of a carpet? Worst case, you can throw the shirt away.

8. Your mother speaks out of your own mouth

But I’ll never tell her she was right! :)

9. You watch the Disney channel even when you don’t have to

It’s instinct at this point. You flip right to it, even when the kids are in bed. Sometimes you think there’s a level of maturity to Doc McStuffins…

10. You complete most chores with a child in your arms

Whether you’re cooking dinner, loading the washer or filing your taxes, your kid can’t-wait-absolutely-must be held right now.

11. Your bathroom is your retreat

Sometimes you don’t even have to go, you just want a minute of silence. But even that doesn’t stop fingers under the door…

12. You can blitz through tasks like no one else

Sometimes you only have a few minutes to get things done, like during snack time or nap time. You don’t know when you’ll get more time, so you fill the dishwasher, apply your makeup, or call that client at hyper speed.

13. You use baby wipes to clean… everything.

They really are convenient.

14. Amazon recommends diaper and toys, not your favorite items

Someday you’ll get to buy for yourself again!

15. You wish every ounce of pain on yourself if it would spare your kids

It’s excruciating watching your kids in pain. No matter what is making them upset, you’d take every bit of it on yourself if it would give them some relief. Fevers, sadness, sore throats… you’d gladly spend every day sick if it meant they wouldn’t spend any.

When did you finally realize you were a mom?

stylish toddler leggings for girls and boysWritten by Doodle Pants Team

Doodle Pants is an exciting collection of stylish toddler leggings for girls and boys, wild animal prints, and charming original characters. Little ones (3 months to 3T) can squiggle and wiggle with ease thanks to a roomy seat, stretchy ribbed cuffs and a comfortable elastic waistband. They’re made with thick, flexible material that holds up and is easy to wash. Whether running havoc on the playground or dressing up for an impromptu dolly tea party, these are the perfect pieces for a frolicking fun time.

For more information, visit

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