6 Ways to Teach Your Kids True Gratitude

how to teach kids gratitudeThese days, it’s super easy to raise materialistic, ungrateful children. Even if you don’t mind their behavior, these types of kids will have a hard time in the world. No one wants to live, work or love someone who bickers, gets jealous, and doesn’t appreciate the things other people say and do. The trick is to teach them gratitude at a young age.

1. Be a grateful person – The best way to teach your kids ANTYHING is to do it yourself. You can explain to them how to behave until you’re blue in the face, but they will always emulate your behavior. Thank people for everything they do. Tell your kids you love them. Give lots of smiles and hugs. Say “please” and “thank you,” and insist they do the same.

2. Make them help – When things need to be done, include your kids in the work. I know it would usually be easier and faster to do it yourself, but that doesn’t teach them how to be useful. Once they understand how much effort mom and dad put into making a life for the family, they’ll appreciate it.

3. Count your blessings – Take a moment each day to tell each other what you’re thankful for. The best time is usually around the dinner table or when everyone is in the car. To start, let them include their physical possessions until they understand the concept, then ask for more abstract answers like “The way mom wakes me up” or “How dad keeps the lawn nice and clean.”

4. Don’t buy them everything – You can’t be thankful unless you know what it’s like to go without. No, I’m not suggesting you make them suffer or deny them basic necessities, but it’s OK to refuse to buy that new toy, even if you personally don’t mind. If you’re always giving them everything they demand, they won’t really know what it’s like to want. Wanting things is the first step to appreciating the things you have.

5. Look for the positives – Instead of harping on the bad moments, make sure to point out the positive things. Find ways to show your kids that life is worth living, even if it’s just a pretty sunset, a deal at the store, or their favorite program. When they adopt a perspective of happiness, they’ll appreciate what they have.

6. Give surprises, not choices – When a person is given a choice, we quickly begin to feel entitled to one solution or another. A surprise, however, is an excellent way to give a gift that they’ll appreciate. For example, instead of asking where they would like to go for vacation (which can degrade into a conversation of which locations are good enough), surprise them with a planned trip. They’ll love it because the only other option was not taking a trip.

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Doodle Pants is an exciting collection of stylish toddler leggings for girls and boys, wild animal prints, and charming original characters. Little ones (3 months to 3T) can squiggle and wiggle with ease thanks to a roomy seat, stretchy ribbed cuffs and a comfortable elastic waistband. They’re made with thick, flexible material that holds up and is easy to wash. Whether running havoc on the playground or dressing up for an impromptu dolly tea party, these are the perfect pieces for a frolicking fun time.

For more information, visit http://www.doodlepants.com.

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