20 Tips for Dining Out with Kids

how to eat out with kidsI’m sure you’ve all been in this situation before. You’re in a nice restaurant, but your kids are being little devils. Finally you declare, “We’re never eating out until you’re 15!” Then you go home angry.

Taking kids to a restaurant is so hit-or-miss. Sometimes they’re angels, other times they throw food, spill drinks and shout at other people.

Here are some tips to making your dining out experiences with kids a little more pleasant.

  1. Sit in a booth – If you sit at a table, there are countless directions for your kids to escape. In a booth, however, you can pen them in. Just keep them on the seat and not under the table.
  2. Explore the restaurant – Before you ask them to sit for a long time, take a quick tour of the restaurant to sate their curiosity.
  3. Eat early – Avoid dining at regular meal times when restaurants are busy. The commotion might make your child excited or nervous and the wait staff won’t be patient. Go around 11 AM for lunch and 5 PM for dinner.
  4. Keep drinks out of reach – Even the best-behaved kids become curious and will turn your drink over faster than you’ve ever seen them move. Keep them away from little hands.
  5. Order something easy for yourself – Order something you can eat with one hand because your kid will not sit in the high chair for the full duration. You’ll be handing things to them and or holding them in your lap.
  6. Bring a special toy – Every once in a while, sneak a toy out of the toy box and hide it away. Then, pull it out when you need an immediate distraction. They’ll be enthralled by something they didn’t know they lost. In fact, it doesn’t even need to be special. Just bring plenty of quiet activities.
  7. Plates arrive hot – If your food was sitting under a lamp for even a minute, the plate itself could be warm. Watch those little fingers!
  8. Make a reservation – Rather than stand in line or sit in a waiting area, make a reservation or go somewhere less busy. Forcing a kid to wait in one place is painful for everyone.
  9. Go somewhere loud – Kids are loud. There’s no avoiding it. Dine somewhere noise is acceptable.
  10. Bring snacks – Sounds counterintuitive right? Maybe, but a good parent has snacks on them all the time. The service might be slow or the food might not be palatable to your child. You don’t want a hungry kid with you.
  11. Start simple – Your first experience with a restaurant shouldn’t be a high-priced fancy place. Start a fast food or pizza joint where there’s no risk of ruining other people’s experiences.
  12. Eat outside – Whenever possible, eat in the restaurant’s outdoor seating. Noise is easier to tolerate outside and messes are easier to clean.
  13. Don’t sit around – You and I could relax at a table for two or three hours with a few glasses of wine, but with kids, you have to keep things moving. Order your meals with the apps and request the check before you’re ready.
  14. Order kid-friendly food – Sure, they could try something new, but the struggle isn’t worth it. Stick with their favorites so they eat peacefully. However…
  15. Give them a choice – They’ll relax if you permit them some ownership over the situation. List a few options from the menu you know they would like and let them choose.
  16. Stay clear of nap time – Like anything else, avoid being in a public place when your kids expect to be napping.
  17. Practice at home – Insist that your family use proper dinner manners at home, as if you were out in public. Have polite conversation at a reasonable volume, stay in your seats, etc.
  18. Set the rules early – Before you enter the restaurant, make sure you tell your kids exactly what good behavior means to you. If you just say “Be good,” you won’t be clear enough. Tell them to speak softly, stay in their seats, etc.
  19. Relax your rules – For the sake of peace, now is a good time to relax your rules a bit. Consider letting them have a small ice cream for dessert or a glass of soda. Use these as rewards for good behavior throughout the meal.
  20. Be prepared to leave – If things really get out of control, be prepared to either take your child outside the restaurant or quickly pay the bill and leave. Remember that other people aren’t paying for a stressful experience. You’ll spend plenty of time in restaurants when they’re older.

What are your tips for pleasant restaurant meals with kids?

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For more information, visit http://www.doodlepants.com.

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